Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog #3-Levers, Wheel & Axle, Pully

Levers are composed of a load, fulcrum, and effort. They are three classes of levers with the only difference being the position of the parts. A lever can be used to magnify an applied force. A example of a lever could be a see-saw where the fulcrum is the center balance and the effort and load are the children.

Wheel and Axles are composed of a wheel with the axle in the middle. the main misconception of a wheel is that it doesn't have to be round. The main use for a wheel and axle is that it makes it easier to move an object. In a door knob the the axle is the part the knob the spins on, the fulcrum is where the knob is connected to the stem part.

Pulleys are used to change the direction of an applied force. A box and tackle pulley makes it easier to pick up a heavier load but the rope used to pull it up must travel a further distance. In a crane the effort is the crane pulling the load which is the object being lifted up and the fulcrum is where it changes direction.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha love the pictures! And I think you explained everything well.
