Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog #2-Project Runway

I made a necklace that was made out of the belt of tie-rack. I raped wires around the belt to put more color in it. I got my inspiration by seeing the shape of the belt. It was originally going to be a headpiece but when it kept falling down on my neck I changed it into a necklace modeled off of a spiked dog color. The only simple machine I used was a pulley which helps to lift things up off of the ground. You can find other pulleys in a stage curtain assembly, flag pull, or the engine of a car.


  1. I realy liked your necklace (which i think should have been a crown) the way you had different colors of wires around it was really cool.

  2. The spiked dog collar necklace was very unique! In your blog here, you did a nice job of explaining where you'd find a pulley.
