Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog #6-The Grandaddy of all Chuckers

Step 1

Gather materials

Step 2

Add the pieces on both sides.

Step 3

Attach the support struts

Step 4

Make the bucket and arm of the catapult.

Step 5

Attach the arm.

Step 6

Attach the outside support beam.

Q. Does changing the position of the weighted block make a difference in how far the catapult fires?

A. Yes if the weighted block is closer to the bucket it doesn't go as far.

Q. What simple machines are in it?

A. It is a lever with the fulcrum being the black rod, the load the bucket, and the effort being the weighted block.

Q. Do the support rods on the sides on the vertical risings matter?
A. Yes without them the vertical rods will go forward.

Q. What does it do?

A. It is a catapult that flings things forward.

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